ÿþ<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>&#256LAM CHAND H&#256&#7750&#7692&#256</TITLE> <style type="text/css"> .BODY { background-color: #EAF1F7; background-image: url('images/gtbh.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center; color: #0066CC;} .C1{text-align: justify;color: #0066CC;FONT-size: SMALL;FONT-family: Tahoma;} .BIB{text-align: center;color: #000099;FONT-size: SMALL;FONT-family: Tahoma;} .CONT{text-align: right;color: #FF0000;FONT-size: SMALL;FONT-family: Tahoma;} </style><META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="LAM,CHAND,HF "> <META http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></HEAD> <BODY class="BODY" oncontextmenu="return false" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false"> <FONT ALIGN="JUSTIFY" FACE="Tahoma"> <p class="C1">&#65279&#256LAM CHAND H&#256&#7750&#7692&#256, a Sikh of Gur&#363 Arjan's time. As says Bh&#257&#299 Man&#299 Si&#7749gh, <i>Sikh&#257&#7749 d&#299 Bhagat M&#257l&#257</i>, &#256lam Chand, along with Bh&#257&#299 Mur&#257r&#299 Anand, Bh&#257&#299 Kali&#257&#7751&#257, Bh&#257&#299 N&#257no&#7749, Bh&#257&#299 La&#7789kan of Bindr&#257o clan, and Bh&#257&#299 Sais&#257r&#363 Talv&#257&#7771, once came to the Gur&#363 and spoke with folded hands, "O support of the supportless, show us the way to liberation. " The Gur&#363 said, "Practise the <i>&#347abda</i>, or the sacred word, and serve others. " &#256lam Chand said, "Lord, our minds are humble as long as we are listening to the sacred hymns, but they go wayward the moment we leave the <i>sa&#7749gat</i>. " Gur&#363 Arjan explained : "Constant practice is the remedy. Pride results from ignorance accumulated through several births. Persevere, therefore; and you will gain humility. " &#256lam Chand and his companions bowed their head in reverence.</p> </font> <p class="BIB"> BIBLIOGRAPHY<p class="C1"><ol class="C1"><li class="C1"> Man&#299 Si&#7749gh, Bh&#257&#299, <i>Sikh&#257&#7749 d&#299 Bhagat M&#257l&#257</i>. Amritsar, 1955<BR> <li class="C1"> Santokh Si&#7749gh, Bh&#257&#299, <i>Sr&#299 Gur Prat&#257p S&#363raj Granth</i>. Amritsar, 1926-37<BR> </ol><p class="CONT">T&#257ran Si&#7749gh<br></p><BR> </font> <img src="counter.aspx" width="1px" height="1px" alt=""> </HTML></BODY>